{{ elapsed }} -{{ remaining }} ({{ eta }})
{{ istr }}
{{ interval?.name }}

Elapsed / Remaining / Time when finished

Universal Timer App with many features and edit possibility!
The timer can be used to play sequences for workouts or other exercises and routines.
Each Sequence has a pre-interval for preparation and repeating cycles with a break in between.

Features: Intervals can have names • Background color indicates fullscreen work/rest • Light and Dark Mode • Progress circle • Detailed timing • Repeating or skipping intervals • Sounds • Announcements (NOT supported by your browser) • System notifications for longer intervals

Click the circle to start or pause

Displays current interval elapsed time
Outer circle shows interval progress
Inner circle shows workout progress

Previous interval
Click here to repeat last interval

Current interval
Click here to restart the interval

Next interval
Click here to skip to the next interval

Name and Sounds
Main Cycle